
Sunday, November 16, 2014

Casting On -- Christmas

Christmas season is upon us! I don't know about any of you, but I am extremely excited for Christmas this year. This is the first year that Trevor and I have been living together over Christmas, and the first year I'll have my very own home to decorate! Be on the lookout for a home tour soon enough! 

For Christmas this year, I really wanted to knit something Harry Potter related for Trevor. We both love Harry Potter, and it's actually how we met (but trust me, it's a lame story!)

Introducing, The Ron Weasley Blanket

This blanket is going to be huge. I cast on 35 stitches for each square, making each tile 7.5"x7.5". So far I only have 6 squares finished. I need to step up my game if I'm going to get it finished by Christmas! Pictures to follow!

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